​CRS Training Center​​​
About Cortney
Cortney Schafer has been involved with horses all of her life. Mainly owning and showing Arabians and Half Arabians, Cortney has competed at the regional and National level since the age of 11. She has had experience with many other breeds of horses as well including Morgans, Saddlebreds and Hackney Ponies. She started showing at the age of 2 and has experience in Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat, Western, Driving, and Halter. She has worked beside many top trainers in the Arabian industry including Joel Kiesner, Gene Lacroix, Virginia Godwin, Rob Bick, and Caralyn Schroter.
2022 CRS Training Center found a perfect farm to call home in beautiful Hanoverton, Ohio on Guilford Lake. A little slice of heaven to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for both the horses and the clients.
Cortney moved to the Shepherdstown, WV in 2016 and started building a clientele that focuses on solid fundamental training, communication between the horse and rider, and the well being and happiness of the horse.
In 2015 Cortney worked for Smoky Mountain Park Arabians in Lenoir City, TN. She accomplished many awards such as 2 National Top Tens, A Unanimous Regional Championship, East Coast Championship, Buckeye Championship, along with many other wins. Her riders also accomplished top regional rides and many other ribbons.
In 2013 and 2014 Cortney started her own business training Arabians and Morgans. She put together a nice show string of horses and had regional wins along with one of her riders earning a Reserve World Grand Championship.
In 2012 at her first Morgan Grand National/World Championship show Cortney brought home the title of 3 Year Old English Pleasure World Champion!
Prior to that Cortney worked for Joel Kiesner for 5 years starting as a groom and working her way up to Assistant Trainer.
She firmly believes in a good foundation based on softness, being supple, and going forward. She believes the rider of a horse should be taught how to bring the best out of their horse and not just be a "passenger."
Offering affordable training and showing rates!
Check out out Rates Page for more info.

Arias SMP
Unanimous Champion Region 14 PB Country Pleasure

Ingenue SMP
US National Top Ten PB Country Futurity